Member-only story
⦁ Cosmic Dance: Did you know the Milky Way is spinning at a speed of about 225 kilometers per second? At that speed, you could travel around the Earth in just under 3 minutes!
⦁ Shining Stars: There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. Imagine counting every grain on every beach!
⦁ Planetary Ring: While Saturn is famous for its rings, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune also have rings — they’re just fainter.
⦁ Sun’s Power: Every second, the Sun sends more energy to Earth than humans have used throughout our entire history.
⦁ Space Sound: Space is a near-perfect vacuum, meaning there’s no air to carry sound. So, if you shouted to someone next to you in space, they wouldn’t hear a thing!
⦁ Shooting Star Confusion: A “shooting star” isn’t a star at all. It’s a meteor burning up as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere.
⦁ Largest Mountain: The tallest mountain in our solar system isn’t on Earth — it’s on Mars! It’s called Olympus Mons and it stands at a whopping 13.6 miles high.
⦁ Galactic Cannibalism: Galaxies sometimes collide and “eat” each other! The Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy are set to collide in about 4 billion years.